Tuesday, August 31, 2010

I Think Someone Added an Extra Zero When Ordering Business Cards for the Staff

IT people are strange.

I met a very interesting computer salesman over the weekend.  He had the standard short sleeved plaid with tie combo, and I think his face was made up entirely of 90 degree angles.  Which were covered up with a beard.  My computer salesman, we'll call him "Salesman", spent the beginning of the pitch asking what kind of computer I wanted.  After indicating what specific features I wanted on the computer and the price range I was looking at, he pointed me to a computer that had none of the features I wanted and was less than half the price of what I was looking for.  Now, don't get me wrong, I like a deal as much as the next guy, but when something costs 800 dollars and the suggestion is 500 dollars off, I think you should know that product is not exactly what the customer had in mind.  So I told Salesman that I would continue to shop around.  Then I figured I had narrowed down my choice to two different computers.  After asking for a recommendation, Salesman thought about the two computers, went on a two minute tangent about the way processors were made in 1997, and then suggested I buy the same computer he originally tried to sell me.  I think he just found one in a school dumpster and put it on the shelf at the store to try to pocket some cash when some sucker bought it.
While talking to me, he itched his beard.  Not once.  And not even a few times.  I mean while talking to me he itched his beard the entire time.  I was beginning to worry that his hand was going to pop out the other side of his head, like he was burrowing through his face.  The only time he seemed to stop was when a gnat flew up his nose.  Which was not mentioned, and I think he swallowed it after that happened.
After informing him I was going to get one of the two computers today, but needed a second alone to think about it, he shook my hand, gave me his card and left.  Apparently unaware that commission for his hard work was about to fall into his lap.  Still, I felt bad for the guy, and he was trying, so I made sure and told the cashier.

Later on, I heard a cashier say the refurbished computers at the store had a 50% chance of working.
I like those odds!!

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