Thursday, August 12, 2010


ROGER: Jeez!  Extinguish that lemonade.
(Bertha blows out her flaming lemonade like a child blowing out a birthday cake.)

BERTHA: Yes.  Pregnant with hunger.

ROGER:  ....I am not amused.  Besides, how would that even work?

BERTHA: I'm not sure, I just wanted to keep you on your toes. (smiles at Roger, who smiles back.)  Now why don't we talk about our plans for the weekend?

ROGER: Sounds great!  How about we head off to the pool.

BERTHA: Was that a question or a suggestion?

ROGER: What does it matter?

BERTHA: Well, it doesn't really.  I'm fine with the pool, however, you promised to take Mother to the park.

ROGER: I did?  ...That was a question, by the way.

BERTHA: Yes, you did.  Very funny.

ROGER: Which Mother?

BERTHA: The dog.

ROGER: You know, with both of our parents still alive, that was a confusing thing to name our pet.

BERTHA: Yes, but it did annoy both of our mothers to no end.  (Bertha and Roger chuckle lightly to themselves at this.)

ROGER: Fine, I'll take the dog.  Bertha, did I tell you how I ran into Dr. Malevolence the other day?

BERTHA: No, you did not.  And I don't know why you would tell me that, honestly Roger, you know most husbands don't like their wives talking about old boyfriends, I'd swear you enjoy hearing about our time together.  He broke my heart, you know.

ROGER: Was that a question?

BERTHA:  Definitely not.   ....Fine, what did Dr. Malevolence have to say?  And how annoying is it that he keeps the "Dr." in front of his name??  It's not like he's practicing.

ROGER: Well, he is practicing....


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