Monday, August 30, 2010


Relationships are very funny.  I've written how frustrating it is that you can't tell a computer program something simple like "I want to use the printer that's sitting right behind me." and just have it work, but a lot of times people don't respond to that kind of thing either.  In fact, somehow the simplest things turn into ones that are more complicated.  "We're spending too much money on dinners, we're going to have to cut back." can somehow get taken as "You're not pulling your weight around here."  At least technology doesn't project its insecurities onto what you're telling it to do.  Or maybe it does and my computer thinks it's fat which is why it only cuts but refuses to paste.  It's also nice that after you yell at a computer because you've had a hard day it doesn't take offense.  It doesn't even know.  THAT'S the biggest reason we need to keep computers from becoming self-aware.  The Terminator had it all wrong.  It wasn't about those machines killing us, it really would be about the machines thinking it was their fault we were so upset the lean cuisine didn't get cooked right, and then them shooting cancer giving microwaves at our brains while we sleep.

So technology, consider this my most formal of apologies.

For now, you bumbling buckets of bolts.

So they had a robot that could sense danger somehow but they couldn't fix their spaceship?

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