Monday, August 16, 2010

Grin and Fozzie Bear It

Some nights I don't even have to think about what I'm going to write about.  It just happens in daily life.
This is yet another adventure in IT, so if you're tech. savvy at all, you may want to save yourself the eye-rolling and just move on.

At any rate, I wanted to set up a wireless router from an unnamed company for a relative of mine.  The router is brand new, and I figured there are so many people unwittingly broadcasting free wireless internet- if they can set it up, so can I.

So I open the box from this company who looks like they're trying really hard to look like they're from Sweeden, when in fact they're headquartered in Orange County.  I can tell because while looking for the instructions, instead I find this:

That's it.  Nothing else in the box.  Awesome, so I just plug it in, and it works, right?  Oooof course not.  (that looks like "oof" course not, but I'm just trying to draw out the "uh" sound of "of", that was way too complicated)

So after hooking everything up, what I can only assume is the correct way but probably wasn't, I start the program.  Everything is humming along nicely when the router starts to try and connect to the modem.  After having me unplug the modem about 2,005 times, the program decides to move on.  The reason for this is unplugging a device is like giving a 2 year old a time-out.  The device thinks about what it's done, and if it REALLY wants to live its life without electricity, so be it.  That way, after the 15 seconds, it's ready to work again

I get this picture next:
It says "We are working hard to establish an internet connection, but your modem will take a little longer." 
Don't blame the modem!  The modem was working just fine before you came along, pseudo-Sweedish router!

Minutes later, I get this message:

Again, blaming old Mody the Modem! If you can't read it it says "This modem is a tough one, Bear with us."- and that was the exact punctuation they used.  Which makes me wonder:  Why capitalize "bear"?  Are they referring to the animal?  Or a specific bear, like Yogi or Paddington?  Maybe it was because I wanted to go "Bear" on them and rip the thing to shreds with a Chewbaccaa-like roar.*

The rest of my wireless adventure was not interesting- the router could no longer use the modem as a scapegoat so it just gave up and asked me a bunch of information I had no access to and had no idea what it was. I did what any red-blooded American would do and quit!

*I know, I'm making fun of typos, and there's probably an average of 2 per post on this site.  I realize the hypocrisy, feel free to jab away at my mistakes.  However, in my defense, I am not a corporation. 

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