Thursday, August 5, 2010


A married couple, ROGER and BERTHA are sitting around in the living room.

ROGER:  What's on the tube tonight?

BERTHA:(looks up from her newspaper): Hmm?

ROGER: Christmas.  WHAT'S ON TV??

BERTHA: Right now?  I don't know, why don't you read a book?

ROGER: Because I don't want to.  I'd rather see if the Count is on.

BERTHA: This again?

ROGER: What?  He's hilarious.  Always countin' stuff.

BERTHA: You have a PhD in physics you know.

ROGER: Your point being?

BERTHA: My point being, you already know how to count.

ROGER: You don't know that.

BERTHA: Roger, how could you possibly get a PhD in physics if you don't know how to count?

ROGER: Your name is Bertha, what do you know.

BERTHA: I know not to put my hand inside a live Triceratops beak.

ROGER: He was HUNGRY!!  You would have done the same had you been there!

BERTHA: Well, thankfully for all of us, I wasn't.  Lord knows I hate those things.

ROGER: Yeah yeah, you and your horns.

BERTHA: I find them to be very off-putting.  They're quite pointy you know.

(ROGER gets up and puts on his jet pack.): Do you want anything?  I'm going to the market.

BERTHA: Sure, lemonade sounds good.

(ROGER blasts off)

BERTHA: Him and his Count.  That man.  (goes back to reading the paper)  Lookit that, Daisy Dukes are on sale down at the General Goods Depot.
(half a minute goes by)
(ROGER comes crashing through the roof.)
ROGER: Got your lemonade! (dusting himself off)

BERTHA: Thanks darling.  (opens it and takes a sip)  Hmm.  Extra phosphorus in this batch.

ROGER: Yeah, Earl had them all marked down, he must've ordered an extra shipment.

BERTHA: Roger, I think I'm pregnant.  (BERTHA puts down her lemonade which promptly bursts into flames, then explodes.)

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