Wednesday, August 18, 2010

An Ode to Cheap Plastic Molded Into a Cartoon Character

Like gilded sun 'pon settled sea
There is no other meal for me
Than that of which was named "happy".

A better feast, I could not think
Than Burger, (or mcnugget) fries, and drink.

T'was nothing more important to me
Healthiness be damned!  Forget childhood obesity.

Though there was no thing that brought more joy
Than what came with your meal- the toy.

Be it figurine that did nothing
A boat that could only kinda float
Or a car that did not get too far
The happy meal toy was a glorious thing.

But alas!  Today they are much worse
I've seen them in my grandma's purse.
No one wants them anymore,
They're poorly made, they are a bore.
And we never had to compromise
For a cereal or cracker jack prize.

Like a death, or lovers gone astray,
No one will ever say hooray,
For the proof of purchase needed today

Though the toys of old were not the best,
The ones today make me depressed.

So here's to you, Grimace Bus/Truck thing,
Toucan Sam squirt gun,
Or decoder ring.

I wish I could pass you on your way,
to my children, or grandchildren someday,
too bad it took a week, 'fore you were thrown away.

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