Sunday, August 22, 2010


10. It's like the sweet release of death- only temporary!
9. Because you miss your dinosaur bedsheets.
8. To continue mankind's lifelong quest of sleeping so tight, no bedbugs will bite.
7. The closest we'll ever get to time traveling.  One second it's 11:15pm, the next, 7:05am!
6. We all know the bogeyman only strikes when you're awake in bed.
5. Put chicken pot pie under your pillow: 30% chance you'll dream of chicken pot pie!
4. It's better than watching The Big Bang Theory.
3. It's the only way to get magical present-bringing beings to come, maybe they'll blow it and come tonight too!
2.  People always think you're a jerk if you snore while you're awake.
1. You're tired!

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