Tuesday, August 3, 2010

I Hope He Was at Least Put in Bro Jail

I think it's time for a little Q&A!

Q: Why?
A: Because I don't feel like writing a whole blog about the jerk who tried to drive OVER me today on the freeway.

Q: Oh no, a jerk!  Tell us what happened.
A: Well!  I was going 80 in the fast lane (unless my Mom is reading this then I was going 65) and this brute in a giant SUV decided to drive within inches of my bumper, flash his lights and honk his horn.

Q: That's terrible.  What did you do?
A: I kept going 80!  The whole thing was pretty ridiculous.  Unless he was trying to warn me of a giant bee in my backseat like in that FarSide cartoon.

Q: That's probably what he was doing.
A: What?  How dare you.  And that's not even a question.

Q: You're right?
A: Yes I'm right.

Q: No, I was just saying that you were right, but phrasing it in the form of a question so you wouldn't yell or drive like a Grandma in the fast lane on me.  So tell us: what happened after you caused this poor guy to be multiple seconds late to wherever he was going?
A: Well after about a minute of gating my tail, he drove around me, got in front of me, then slammed on HIS breaks before speeding off into the sunset.  And by "sunset" I mean: "hopefully county jail".

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