Thursday, August 26, 2010

Why Can't a Blanket be Broken?

And why do people like picking off their own scabs so much?  What is it about ripping off human flesh that is so appealing?

How much longer are we going to spend hours and hours sitting in traffic?

Who decided loaves of bread would be shaped the way they are, or that pizzas and doughnuts would be round?  I want to make a pizza, just smash the dough and leave it the way it is.  A crazy misshapen pizza.

Why do dogs bark over and over and over and over when they are left alone?  Do they have a thought process that if they bark enough something will change?  Do they remember that they have barked 3890 times before?  Or is it just "Hey!  I'm alone!  BARK!  ....hey, I'm alone!  BARK!...hey, I'm alone!  BARK!"?

Would the question mark look quizzical to us if we hadn't been taught that this "?" means "question"?

Why did we choose ink as the substance to put in our pens?  Was there a great octopus overpopulation scare the year they were invented?

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