Monday, August 9, 2010

My Brother Once Set Some on Fire in a Microwave

Let's hear it for macaroni & cheese.  Oh, that's right, I can't hear what you're doing.  Well, let everyone who's around you hear it for macaroni & cheese.  No, I don't know what "it" is, just yell or something.  Seriously though everyone- seriously- macaroni & cheese is a great treat.  Macaroni by itself?  Please.  Might as well pass the boring sauce to go with it.  Although it does have a fun shape.  And cheese all by itself?  Well, cheese is pretty good on its own.  But it's kinda gooey, and you have to put it on stuff to make it easier to eat. 
Macaroni & cheese is also great because it is a meal that can be enjoyed by all ages.  I think only it and applesauce can make that bold claim.  Not only that, but what other foods beg for the ampersand in the middle of its name?  PB&J?  That's about it.  And that is commonly known as peanut butter and jelly.  Cookies and cream uses the word "and", macaroni & cheese, is a slam dunk.  It's fun to say too.  Try it.  Go ahead I'll give you some time.  (pause)
Pretty fun.  You can even shorten it to "Mac&Cheese" if you don't have the time to say "macaroni" because you're too busy shoving macaroni & cheese into your mouth.  This I am not going to give you time to say because if you need to say "Mac&Cheese" clearly you are strapped for time already.
Plus!  I know after running the 20+ miles that I do every day, I need those carbs gained from eating pasta.

Macaroni & cheese,

I owe you one.

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