Tuesday, August 24, 2010

It Was SO Hot, (famous overweight person) Was Too Hot to Eat!!

Humans like to tell other humans that it is hot.

Human 1: It's hot!
Human 2: I know, it's (state temperature outside.)
Human 3: (chiming in) It was so hot yesterday (thing someone does when it is hot)
Human 1: (feeling left out of the conversation they started) It's supposed to be (whatever crackpot temperature the weatherman came up with).

Is our need to be right about things that deep that we need to state something as obvious as the weather?  Or is it our need to connect with our fellow man?

For fun, let's try an experiment.  Next time someone bursts into the space you're occupying and proclaims to no one in particular that it is hot, say "My shirt is (the color of your shirt)."  Smile, and move on.

Oh, and it is really hot right now.

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