Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Mans Gliseris ir Pilns ar Zušiem!

So it only took a little over three months for me to learn that you can view all sorts of interesting stats about your blog through a control panel on blogger- or on the "dashboard" since apparently writing this blog is like driving a car.
I can see all sorts of neat things like how people I are am getting to my site- what websites they I use to look for it, what specific posts they're I am looking at, how many times it is getting viewed (by me), and where in the world those people I are am.
Upon closer inspection of the data, here's what I've found:

I'm pretty sure 180 of those views in America were me, and 10 were probably someone looking to go to the "Highly Rated Blog of Cheese" and ended up here.  Pretty interesting.  That's great The hosers from up North viewed this blog a few times, and the good people of Australia and China took a gander, plus the bad guys from movies from 1950-1990.  I have to say, I'm most proud of Latvia!  A very tiny country, some wonderful person in Latvia took the time to read MY blog!  I'm so honored!  The ratio of people who have read my blog to people who haven't in Latvia must be off the charts!  But- you're able to view how many people viewed your page and from where in the past week!  So as you can see here:


What did I do to scare off my one loyal reader?  I realize that maybe my blog isn't very friendly to the Lithuanians, and it doesn't exactly scream "Belarus", but Latvia?  This blog was MADE for Latvians.

Look!  Latvia's flag is nice and simple, with a red and white color scheme:

Remind you of anyone's blog? (hint: this one)

Latvia's official insect is the ladybug*, and I've never purposely gone out of my way to kill a ladybug!

69% of Latvians are of the ages 15-64 and 99% of them are literate, I'M of the ages 15-64 and am also literate!!

Here's a photo of Latvia's prime minister in 2006, Aigars Kalvitis:

Clearly, he is not a fan of officials, and whenever they make an unfavorable call towards my favorite team, I'M not a fan of officials!  We're practically brothers.

Not only that, but I'm pretty sure Dr. Doom rules Latvia with an iron fist, and I LOVE Dr. Doom!  He's at least top 6 of my favorite doctors, and I know whenever I have an itch or a desire to bring doom to other people, he's been on call, or at least left the less powerful but still competent Dr. Doomberg around to take care of me.

So adding all of this up, I just don't understand what drove the Latvians away.  Besides the fact that I don't speak Latvian, their official language, I couldn't be speaking their language any more than I already am!!!

But unfortunately, I don't think it's as simple as that.  There has to be a reason for this Latvian dissent.

What could it be?

I don't know, but I plan on setting it right.  I'm determined to set it right.  So with that, I say to you:

I could tell you all of the wonderful things that I know about Latvia, but I figured I'd let their official travel website,  do the talking for me.  From the "what to do" section of their website:
Latvia is the country where you can enjoy your trip - come with the tourist group or have a nice time together with your family. You can have a variety of choices from taking a number of exciting tours to spending several weeks in the guesthouse near a river or lake, far from the hustle and bustle of the city. This web page will help you to get to know Latvia and it will help you to choose the best pastime to suit your mood and make the most of your trip to Latvia.
I think that more than sums it up nicely.

Not enough?  Worried there won't be enough for you to do in Latvia?
Well, according to the same website mentioned above, you can:
  • Go dress up in medieval costumes in one of Latvia's many medieval fairs
  • View a recreation of a different medieval fair
  • Go to the Latvian observatory and look at the Latvian night sky
  • View "Medieval Entertainment" at Jaunpils castle
  • Go to the Karaosta prison show!**
Or finally:
  • View "Medieval Shows" at Cesis Castle!

If words aren't enough to get you there, here's a view of Latvia's most famous skyline- from Wikipedia, of ALL the pictures they could have chosen to put up from Latvia- this was the one they chose, so it has to be the best:

It's the Hansa Banka!  Isn't it marvelous?  A mighty skyline if I ever saw one.  In your FACE Empire State building and Sears tower!

So why not come to Latvia?  I can't think of one good reason.  So I say visit next August, and stay for the official "Passing of the Constitutional Law on the Status of the Republic of Latvia as a State and Actual Restoration of the Republic of Latvia" day!  It's on August 21st, and is much better known as POTCLOTSOTROLAASAAROTROL day in Latvia.
And who cares if under wikitravel's Latvia page there's nothing written under "see" and "learn", who needs to see or learn things anyway?

Latvia, I am sorry.  Or as you say there, "piedod".  Because what better way to say I'm sorry than with pie?  Please accept my apology and the gift of increased tourism to your mighty land.

* I got all of my information from Wikipeda and Latvia's official site.
** Yes, this is an actual thing on the "to do" list on Latvia's tourism site.

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