Sunday, September 12, 2010

It's the MOST Wonderful Time of the Year

Curious that we don't say "Most ____" very often.  Such as "Oh, Francine, that dress looks most lovely on you."  Or "Well, I'll be, Margaret, that is a most dead horde of wildebeest*."  Or even, "Bill, that phone booth time machine is most excellent."
What time of the year is it most wonderful?
Why, football season, of course!  (American football, for all you bloody chimney sweeps reading this in-between your spots of tea and other things that Mary Poppins taught me British people do.  Oh, and every other country except America that likes soccer more than American football and calls soccer football.  Just pretend I mentioned some HILARIOUS stereotypes for your country as well.)
But yes, it's time to watch slow but powerful fat men, fast and nimble but not as strong skinny men, and regular sized, regular powered men play sports at the ultimate level.  And no, I was not talking about Ice Hockey for the NES.

I'm talking about good ol' football- a game even the drunkest of drunks can appreciate.  Wait....that doesn't sound good.  A game that even the Boorish of Boors can appreciate., good enough.  Anyway, it is a shame there's a lot of drinking/incoherent yelling associated with football, because it's a lot of fun to play, and to watch.  Unless you are a woman in my life, apparently.  I've tried, but football just isn't for them.  Probably it's because of the ridiculous length of games and time between plays, lack of facetime for the stars, objectification of cheerleaders by the NFL and networks broadcasting the games, and oh yeah, and all the jackasses involved.
OR it could just be that I haven't gotten any of them involved in FANTASY FOOTBALL!!
That's right- all caps and TWO exclamation points.  I went there.  You see, fantasy football is a game that's growing exponentially in popularity.  The object of the game is to pick players from any team, then proceed to tell as many people who don't care as you can about them.  I came in 5th in my league last year, but only because Drew Brees was interesting to a few people in San Diego.
But of all the games of partial skill and a majority of luck, Fantasy Football is probably my favorite.  Right behind 21 blackjack, the game of Life, and Hungry Hungry Hippos.  (A game which originated in Hungary, believe it or not.)

*Apparently that's how you spell "wildebeest".  I would have spelled it "wildebeast".  It's a BEAST for goodness sakes!  In fact, every animal should have "beast" after the name of it.  Lionbeast.  Bearbeast.  Bunnybeast.  I'm going to start signing my work e-mails "Humanbeast".


  1. i love Ice Hockey. Rob and I play that on our work game cabinet all the time. GO FAT GUY!!!
