Sunday, September 19, 2010


Football should be proud- of all the sports that are least suited to having grown men wear their jerseys as regular clothes, football is by far #1.  With golf clothes a close 2nd*  They're shirts designed to go over hulking shoulder pads and a chestplate.  And yet, here we are.  With half of a stadium (myself included) sporting a uniform for the intense sport of sitting and watching.

The whole idea of tailgating is pretty funny too- I guess the point is to get as close to the event as possible without actually being AT the event, and being around it as long as possible.  That sounds a little needy, doesn't it?  But I guess it makes sense, where else could you go sit- on pavement- in the hot sun during the fall or the incredibly bitter cold in the winter and sort of cook an array of meats (hot dogs or burgers) in as regulated and cramped of a space as possible?  A space designed to hold one car?  BUT- people these days have found a way around all the hardships that come with tailgating.  The bean bag toss!  I'm not quite sure how or why, but this has suddenly become a parking lot tradition.  Maybe that just shows how lazy Americans are getting.  We can't bother to lift our arms over our heads to compete anymore.

And so we tailgate.  But what if your car doesn't have a tailgate?  All you would have is a trunk. Let's stop getting cute here, and just call things what they are.  "Trunking".  It's confusing the children.

*You see, because golf clothes are in most circles considered quite ridiculous!**

**Yes, I know this joke is outdated by about 10 years, and the whole reason golfers probably stopped wearing such crazy clothes is because of how terrible the joke is, I apologize.  Really, I do.

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