Monday, September 13, 2010

Let's Throw it Back to the Studio

Being a football announcer is easy.  All you have to do is proclaim the player who just made a good play "the BEST _____ in the NATIONAL.  FOOTBALL. LEAGUE.".  It doesn't matter if he just said that about another player who plays the same position 20 minutes earlier, apparently the title belts switch hands easier than a WWE champion's does.  It also doesn't matter how small the skill is, it's possible for a player to be the BEST shoelace tie-er in the NATIONAL.  FOOTBALL. LEAGUE.  Or the BEST arm scratcher in the NATIONAL.  FOOTBALL. LEAGUE.
I wonder if the women who are married to those guys are happy or if they're about ready to literally run away and not stop Forest Gump style. 
"Honey, did you like the steak?"
"OH!  Darling!  This was the BEST steak I've ever had in. MY. HOUSE."
"Oh really. How was the corn?"
"Pound for pound, this was THE best corn I've EVER come across PERIOD...I mean...WOW!!  You want a CLINIC, eat some of this corn!"
"A clinic on what?  Making corn?  Why would they have a clinic on that?"
"HA!  That's right Jean."
"....I want a divorce."

The worst part about all of this though, is they usually put "arguably" in front of what they're saying because they don't want to offend the guys they're going to try and get crappy interviews from later on.

ANNOUNCER: So, Antonio, you knew you had to come out tonight and have the game of your life, with all the pressure added on this week, what did you do to prepare?
PLAYER: Oh, you know- I just went out and trusted my teammates and uh- put in a lotta hard work.
ANNOUNCER: The other team was CLEARLY double teaming you- what did you do to combat that?
PLAYER: Uh- you know- I just made sure that I found my teammates and all the extra effort we made in practice paid off.
ANNOUNCER: I am attempting to make some sort of joke.
PLAYER: (doesn't get it) I am answering your joke as if it were a serious question.
ANNOUNCER: (Guffaws no matter how un funny the answer is) Alright, thanks so much, good luck!
PLAYER: (already turning around and 3 steps away) ?  yeah, thanks.

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