Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Everyone enjoys quizzes- that's really the only way we can tell how much we're worth!  That, and the amount of money we make, the attractiveness of our significant others, and the success of our offspring.  So with that in mind, I'm going to write up some questions for you to answer, if you get most of them right, you're probably a better person than most of your peers.  If you get a lot of them wrong, well, I'm sorry, but there's really no point in getting out of bed tomorrow.
Good luck!

The Moon is:
A) A large piece of rock
B) The main factor in having tides on Earth
C) God's marble
D) Some idiot that comes out when the sun is still up sometimes.

Dogs are:
A) Dogs
B) 4 legged animals that have been largely domesticated
C) Mangy varmints
D) Hilarious because most of the time they're thinking "Huh?", "What?", or "...HEY!!"

A woman is trapped under a rock.  Do you:
A) Help her by calling for help
B) Put together a makeshift wedge using the strongest stick nearby to create leverage and spring her free
C) Also trap yourself under a rock, but you make sure it's a bear instead of a rock, to make her feel better.  A Dino-bear
D) Wonder if the part that is stuck under the rock is 2 Dimensional like a cartoon

A) Will be around soon to help me with daily tasks around the house
B) Are a machine or device that operates automatically or by remote control
C) Will soon destroy us all
D) Have largely disappointed me due to their collective lack of dancing "the robot"

The Dollar Sign:
A) Means money
B) Are meant to resemble a ribbon wrapped around the pillars of Hercules
C) Mmmm pancakes.
D) Is what robbers put on their sacks of money to remind them that the thing they are stealing is money

A) There is no question 6
B) There must have been an editing issue with this post
C) Question 6!!!
D) Who does "Q" think it is?  Bossing around "U" all the time!

Two cars belonging to two brothers are in two towns two hundred miles apart. The brothers decide to meet for a cup of coffee. The first brother starts at 9:00 a.m. driving 60 mph. The second brother starts at 9:00 a.m. driving 40 mph. What time do they meet?
A) Oh man, math sucks
B) 11 am
C) 500 lollipops
D) Wow, that's a long way for two brothers to drive to meet each other.  I wonder what could have been so important they couldn't have just talked about this over the phone?  And couldn't we just assume that the two cars belonging to the two brothers are in the town they live in?  How else are they going to start driving at 9am, with bulldozers?  Ha.  That'd be funny.  Driving a bulldozer on the freeway for 100 miles......oh crap I haven't started to think about answering this yet....is this timed?

The best part of waking up:
A) Is Foldgers in your cup
B) Is eating a healthy breakfast in order to increase blood flow to your brain and start your metabolism
C) 5 THOUSAND lollipops!
D) Is hitting the snooze button, then spending each minute after that expecting the alarm to go off for the next 9 minutes until you fall asleep again and then it really does and startles you half to death


A) That's adorable!
B) This is not a question
D) Ahhhh flying terror banana alien!!

This Quiz:
A) Was kind of flat
B) Did not stretch my brain in any way shape or form
C) Bubbles always pop.  Why do we wrap valuables in a wrap made of them??
D) Was a better idea before I started

Congratulations!  If you answered D, C, B, or A for any of the questions, it turns out you do, in fact, have a personality!  If you didn't answer, it turns out you have a serious problem, one of which could be you are illiterate.  Which would then mean that you have someone reading this to you.  You! The person reading this to the poor illiterate- shame on you!  Enabler!

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