Thursday, September 2, 2010

"Mammoth" is the new "Epic"

I'm glad that our civilization has advanced to a point where we can do things in a more well....civil manner.  Like how we buy things.  The exchange of designated paper, or in a lot of cases, transfered data, is deemed valuable, and we can all agree on that.  If I use what we classify as "money" to buy things, most of society agrees that it is mine, and no one tries to take it.
For example:  I can go online right now and look at tickets for the Chargers vs. the Seahawks, and agree on a site run by people I've never met to give someone else I've never met a fairly decent amount of money with the hopes that I am not getting scammed by the fake prince of Zimbabwe.  Then, when I go to the game, the piece of cardboard that has the corresponding seat number printed on it we can all agree is MY ticket and those are MY seats during the game.  Well done, humanity!
Then, I can see people become belligerently drunk, yell profanities at other grown men for ruining their fantasy team, and become physically violent towards other humans because they're wearing a different colored shirt than they are.  We've come a long way since spearing mammoths, everyone!

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