Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Whipped Cream and Donuts: What Sir Mix a Lot Really Should Have Been Mixing

Root beer floats.  They are ice cream combined with root beer.  And the root beer floats in the ice cream.  And I defy you to find a person who does not love them.  Not really, because I'm sure there's plenty of people out there who love to be buzzkills and are saying out loud "but I don't even like root beer!"
But really, this concept of combining two delicious treats has to be put to greater use.  Somewhere along the line, peanut butter and jelly were mixed.  Someone thought to put milk from a cow together in a bowl with oats and marshmallows from a leprechaun.  I have thought to mix some crushed up Cool Ranch Doritos* with spaghetti.
So I challenge YOU, dear reader- to combine some delicious foods and share this idea with the rest of the world!
Be bold!  Put a reese's peanut butter cup in a sandwich!  Make a carne asada cheese bagel!  Let's get something crunchy on our pizzas!  Do we really want to bring our unborn children into a world where we haven't been the best that we all could be??
Probably not, because bringing unborn children into the world sounds really unhealthy for the baby, and frankly, like a really big mess.

*I never understood- were they supposed to be "cool" as in temperature or as in awesomeness?  And were they supposed to taste like ranch dressing or were they supposed to have come from some sort of "cool ranch"?  Like some really rad/cold place in Texas?

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