Monday, September 6, 2010

Sleep Deprivation = Interesting Deprivation

It was a long weekend- one of those weekends where you don't sleep because you're in a different bed- not that the bed is uncomfortable or there's anything wrong with it- for some reason the mattress gods become angered that you're not using your regular one and decide to punish you for it, then you have a random wakeup the next night due to a cat or sickness or bad dream, and the next night you can't go to bed- nothing in particular is keeping you up there's just shiny things like the internet around to distract you.

If there was a point to this, I'm not going back and putting one in.  At least not tonight, but maybe I'll do something creative tomorrow.  Like not sit at my computer for 45 minutes trying to think of something new to write on here only to write down exactly what I'm thinking.

On an unrelated but equally uninteresting note, the spellcheck on my firefox doesn't recognize the words "donator", "spellcheck", or "firefox".

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