Monday, February 28, 2011

I'm Not Talking About the Frog that was Friends with Hello Kitty

I had a good time at a Karaoke bar this weekend.  "Karaoke", the ancient Japanese art of yelling into a microphone, or its literal translation: "super mouth" is not for the faint of heart.

Things I'd like to say to those in attendance:

The guy who only knew 20% of the words to "Take on Me".  Try for a little higher ratio next time.

The girl in the audience who was treating each song like it was her own personal concert.  Good for you.  What an ego booster for the masses.

The old man in the Christmas sweater:  Good for you too.  Your serious and sad song would have bored me had you not been for your mildly depressing sincerity.  The Christmas sweater at the end of February offset any sadness though.  Well done.

The guy who sang the Spider-Man theme song: You had the best voice of the evening.  What better song to use it on than one that goes "watch out, here comes a Spider-Man".

The dime I found on the floor:  Treasures are all around us.

To the people who chose songs over four minutes long:  Why?

To the guy hosting the karaoke: You took no prisoners.  Thankfully our judicial system is not as unforgiving as you.  NEXT!!

To the guys who go up together to sing "The Thong Song" or "Baby Got Back":  We get it, it's hilarious.  Maybe next time just announce the title, let us contemplate the comedic implications for a second or two, and move along.

To everyone in the audience during my song:  I swear I sound way better when I'm in the car on the way home from work!

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