Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Viking Response

Hello loyal reader,
I received an overwhelming response to yesterday's viking post, but one stood out among (amongst?) the others, I hope he doesn't mind, but I thought I would share with you all:

Dear NJM,

Thank you for your insightful blog post on Vikings.  I have long been thinking the same thing.  It was humorous and insightful, and hit an area close to my heart.  You see, I am a samurai.  That's right, from feudal Japan.  Although some might say "futile" Japan these days.  Why?  For the same reasons those very Vikings you mentioned yesterday are probably very sad.  All these years we've been training, riding around on cool horses, fighting each other with sticks to practice for fighting with our awesome swords, while who gets all the popularity these days?  Ninjas!  Yeah, ALLLL the kids think Ninjas are super "radical", while what are we?  Just guys with funny looking shoulder pads?  It's not fair!  We are the ones who have honor!  Ninjas won't even show their own faces- in fact, most of them became ninjas because they couldn't grow any facial hair- as opposed to our super manly/cool fu man chus.  Yet Ninjas are the ones who get all the publicity- the toys, the movies, the internet jokes....while samurai?  What do samurai get?  Tom Cruise.  Anyway, I'm glad you understand our plight.

Domo arigato,

A Samurai

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