Thursday, February 3, 2011

Jared is Probably Spinning in his Grave

You know what Mr. Hot Shot "I went to Stanford and am wearing a Stanford hat 40 years after I graduated and live in Palo Alto and am probably super rich"?  The Subway lady was really happy her Subway sandwich was only 5 dollars, so when she asked you how great of a deal it was, you could have just said it was a great deal instead of complaining about the chips being too expensive.  What did you think, she was going to get her CEO on the phone and have Subway knock down the price of potato chips?  Just smile and say "Yeah!  What a great deal!"  or at least nod your head.  It sucked watching the grin fade from her face while you waltzed out into your Mercedes. 
Don't worry though, I complimented her pizza flavored Doritos and we had a good laugh at the fact that you waltzed out the door instead of walking.

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