Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Meet Bat-Tholomew

Ay!  How's everyone doin'?  I'm Bat-Tholomew, the in-your face New Yoka bat!  How 'bout you want some pizza?  It's from Maldopinos, da best place dis side a Brooklyn!  Ay!  I'm flyin' here!!
You know what really flaps my wings?  When people say bats are flying rats!  Ay, I'm from New York, I know a thing or two about rats you know what I'm sayin'?  Hold on, I gotta get down to 5th avenue to do some fancy shopping ayyyy!  You know I'm the best bat from the Nor East, and if you don't think so- then ayy who cares I'm from New York!  Everything's done in a New York minute here, so my in-your face attitude is so in-your face, you'll never get me outta your face!  Your friends will start calling you bat face probably, and you'll order license plates that say "BTFACE" and then your friends will start calling you butt face!  HA!  New York sense of humor right there, fuggedah bout it!!

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