Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Save the Doctors, Scientists, Mechanics, and Tim Gunn

While I'm sure it would be a real downer to live in a post-apocalyptic world, I don't understand why in all the movies, TV shows, comics, or any other media everyone dresses the way they do.  Drab, drab, and more drab.  It's like the nuke/plague/zombie infestation that wiped out all the people also wiped out all the colors but taupe.
I'm sure being one of the last bastions of hope for humanity is sad, but why make it even sadder with these expressionless colors?  If it were me searching the world for any sort of hospitable human contact, you bet I would be doing it in a hawaiian shirt.  Or at least a good looking powder blue.  You know, spruce up the place a little.

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