Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Stop Discrimination Now

On a scale of 1 to 10, I wonder how upset Vikings are that pirates got all the buzz in the centuries old despicable criminals that were glorified when they should have been vilified category. 
Vikings have:

-Cool dragons on the front of their ships instead of lame mermaids.

-Way better beards

-No annoying parrots

-Had the kraken ripped off from them by pirates and the greeks lately- come up with your own tentacled sea beasts guys!

-Actually been much cleaner than pirates, in fact, Vikings were known to bathe more than most people and were frequently combing their hair.  It's true.  Look it up.

-Thor and Odin- all pirates had were some guy who lived in a locker.  Lame!

-Better nicknames.  Pirate nicknames involved looking at what color someone's beard was.  Vikings had nicknames like "Ivar the Boneless", "Sven Forkbeard", and "Cnut the Great".  See?  There were even rapping pirates, C-Nut's album is dope yo!

-Cooler hats than Pirates


And if you think about it, Vikings have the word "king" in their name even!  What do Pirates have?  That's right, "rat".  Coincidence?  Yes.  But kings are way cooler than rats.  Ask the rat king.

While Pirates did have the unbeatable "arrrrrr!", we don't know what vikings used as their catch phrase, so we can make up whatever we want, things like "More mead for Olaf!" or "Pelts are neat".

So how do we make it up to Vikings?  While a theme-park ride would be the logical place to start, I think instead we should just be kinder to Vikings.  The next time you see one, give them a friendly smile instead of running away in fear that they may pillage you or your hut.

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