Monday, February 21, 2011

Sacre Beaulieu!

Anti-George Washington week continues!

Yesterday's point about greater, more recent Americans really struck close to home with a lot of people so I thought I'd continue with another example.
Ladies and Gentlemen, meet Mr. Emile Beaulieu. :


This great American presided as Mayor of Manchester, New Hampshire in the tumultuous years of 1982-83, was soundly defeated, then came back for more to navigate the murky political waters of New Hampshire's highest populated city.

According to my crack research**:
"During his first administration, he was involved in promoting the Amoskeag Millyard Urban Renewal Project and the development of Arms Park and Bass Island. Riverfest, an annual community festival, was revitalized during Beaulieu's tenure."
That's right loyal reader.  Without Emile, he with a great American name, there would be no Riverfest.  I was just thinking the other day, "What have I done for rivers lately?"  Not enough.  Well Emile here did something to change it, and how many coins and holidays do we have named after him?  Exactly.

What else did he do during his tenure(s)?  I'm glad you asked.  Or at least I'm glad I assumed you asked and wrote that you did.
"During the latter part of the 1980s, Beaulieu visited Neustadt an der Weinstraße in Germany and Taichung in Taiwan, establishing sister city relationships between these two cities and Manchester."

Where would New Hampshire be today without having a city to call sister?  Two sisters in fact.  And what better cities than Taichung, where 85% of the worlds Happy Meal toys are conceived, and Neustadt an der Wiesagdsa, a place where I'm sure frankfurters are commonplace.  Where would New Hampshire be without Emile Beaulieu?  Most likely at the bottom of the ocean.

*Am 90% sure this is an actual picture of Emile Beaulieu

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