Sunday, February 13, 2011

Another Night in the 5th: Homicide

  It was pouring rain outside.  The night was darker than usual, but just as cold as it's been all month.  Unforgiving.  Detective McNally paused at his doorstep to get out his keys, the rain soaking through his coat, he could feel his shirt clinging to his skin now, another perfect ending in his string of perfect days.  His keys jammed in the bottom lock as usual, so he pulled the door in tight before giving the lock a brutal turn.  The way he solved all his problems.  Finally getting inside he flipped his shoes off letting them fall wherever they may, hardwood floors be damned.  He was just renting anyway- and with this case he was working on, wouldn't matter much come next year when the lease was up; he'd probably be dead.
His gun felt heavier than usual when pulling it out of his holster.  Maybe this was from everything going down in the department, maybe it wasn't.  But he knew Major Starks wanted the thugs that killed that witness brought to justice one way or the other, and McNally wasn't about to give up his badge when he was only 11 months away from getting full pension- for his family.  Even if they all moved out, they were all he had left.
He thought about that latest victim- the way her eyes looked straight up at him but still managed to stare nowhere at all and he thought about what mattered most to him in his life- what mattered most right now, today, on this day.  He went to the kitchen, pulled out his bottle of Jameson and his glass, and the main course.  The stuff that got him out of bed, that made this life worth living.  His candy hearts.  "Urs Forever".  They certainly were.  "Will u be mine".  I certainly will, he thought.  Nothing came between McNally and his candy hearts.  "Real Lov" one said- he knew it was "Love", the E was just faded a little bit- a lot of them had messages that were incomplete or faded, but his desire for those chalky, not too sweet, not too hard treats never would.
Happy Valentines Day everyone!!

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