Sunday, February 27, 2011

I Pull an All-Afternooner Every Day

I've written a handful of times about my late-night sleeping habits...figuratively. Tonight I find myself confronted with the fact that I'd be better off as a morning person yet again.  I think if I had pulled a near all-morninger I probably wouldn't be writing this blog.  I'd be in bed right now.  But instead it was the near all-nighter.  All too often I find myself saying, "I need to go to bed earlier...".  Never have I heard anyone say "Aw, jeez- I need to get up later."  Nobody ever regrets anything they do in the morning.  It's always the thing they did last night: "I shouldn't have read that next chapter/had that next drink/watched that next episode/stayed online so long, etc."  Nobody ever says "I shouldn't have been responsible and gotten a head start on my day." 
.....until now*.

*Not really.  I just thought that was a better way to end the post.

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