Thursday, March 10, 2011

What do You Get When You Cross an Elephant and a Rhino?

Scientists have long sought the answer to this question, but they shall search no more!
Earlier this week, a new fantastical beast was discovered: I give you: the Rhinophant.

Photographed somewhere near the Serengeti, the Rhinophant is pretty much an elephant, but with a rhino horn on the end of its trunk.  Often, people had asked the question "What DO you get when you cross an elephant and a rhino?"  At very odd times, like when asked "Do you know what time it is?"  or "Do you know any jokes?".

The discovery was made by a young girl named Tiffany Goodridge who was on safari with her family.  Incredibly excited by the discovery of a new species, Tiffany beamed when asked if she thought about naming the Rhinopant after herself.  "No", she said "I think Rhinophant is better because it looks like a rhino and an elephant."
Shortly after the discovery her parents were brutally gored by the previously thought to be mostly docile Rhinophant.  The service for the Goodridges will be this Sunday at St. Andrew's Church at 9am.  Tiffany will now be raised by her Aunt and older sister, Julianne who live in a suburb of Kettering.

1 comment:

  1. Does this beast live in the same kingdom that double cat lives in? And to be clear, Double Cat is not to be confused with Siamese Twins or Siamese Cats or Siamese Twin Cats. Double cats are a breed alllllll their own.
