Sunday, March 20, 2011

I Went to the Barber This Weekend

People have said to me "Oh, you got your haircut!"
I reply, "Which one?"


  1. Come on Nicholas, you can do better.

  2. Ha!

    What about:
    People say to me "Oh, did you get a haircut?"
    And I reply "No, I got lots of them!"

  3. The noun 'hair' can be a singular, plural or collective noun. It all depends on the context of the sentence.
    But speaking of which, after closely examining your last comment I can tell you that your biggest clue would have come from the word haircut. If this person meant to ask you about one hair only, they would have said hair cut. Did you see that? There was a space in there. Oh but I get it...when the person says it, you can choose to hear it however you want and then choose to frustrate them with grammar tricks. Oh you are too funny Nicholas - keep the jokes coming!!!

  4. You're absolutely right on all accounts, and I think that formatting the joke as "A haircut" rather than "YOUR haircut" makes a world of difference. Thank you Bree. Your guiding light has carried me home much like the light in the Full House theme song.

  5. Oooh, Ouch! What is so wrong with MY haircut? Are you saying it's a joke?
