Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Bat-Tholomew at the Metropolitan Museum of Art

Ay, it's me again- Bat-tholomew, the famous New York bat.  Well, besides the bats of all the Yankees, right?  GO YANKS.  But ay, lookit!  We ain't a bunchas dummies over here- look how cultured I am, spending time at the MET.  That's how us New Yorkers run.  Now you may notice I have a hot dog in my hand instead of some of our famous New York pizza- the best pizza in ALL of da country.  Hey, sometimes even us New Yorkers is running late and don't have time for no pizza- that's why we have our famous street dogs.  Because come on- what else you want me to do- wait in line at one a them fancy shmancy places where a soup costs 15 dollars?  What am I an animal?  Ha ha.  So I'm in the galleries lookin around at all the arts and fancy chiseled rocks they have here, when I'm thinkin'- "AY!"  Where da famous arts of all the bats?  Buncha wise-asses just painting people and chilseling statues of people with no arms and such.  Maybe I should take up some chiselin.  Ay!  Until next time, ....Start Spreadin' tha News.......

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