Sunday, March 13, 2011

A Band Name for Every Day of the Week

The other day I was thinking about how seemingly random band names are.  Maybe they don't have meaning, but the sound cool- like if you were to say "WE ARE ____!"* it would sound good coming out of a sound system.
Or some hipster beard kid would enjoy saying "Yeah, I listen to ____, haven't you heard of them?"
OR- it would be fun to have ____ playing in your backyard for a wedding, party, or bat mitzvah.  Anyway, I spent a week thinking up of a new band name each day: enjoy! 

Monday: The Frozen Boomerangs
Tuesday: Toasted Chest Nuts
Wednesday: Reginald
Thursday: The Super Bulls
Friday: The Bungee Network
Saturday: The Nouns
Sunday: Far Jangtrakool and the Spaceship Shooters

Bonus Band Name: Flibberty Gibbet There's a Walrus in my Attic

*hmm..."we are ____!" might be a good band name ironic


  1. Monday: The Flaming Lobsters
    Tuesday: Catfood
    Wednesday: Paisleyface
    Thursday: Organza Orgasm
    Friday: Goodbye Doggie
    Saturday: Flintstones and McGee
    Sunday: Puffproof
