Monday, March 14, 2011


-I've always thought it amazing that it's someone's job to write gift cards, and to write headlines for newspapers/online articles.
"Hmm...blah blah blah, you're special, blah blah blah, happy anniversary, blah blah blah you're HOW old?!?!? blah blah blah happy birthday (put a picture of an old lady or man on it har har), blah blah blah, you're a great MISCELLANEOUS RELATIVE" I also like that there are cards that have an extra slot to "hold" the money you put inside of it.  The card within an envelope isn't good enough?  How thoughtful.  A $20 pocket that cuts down on the space to write something.

-Do you think people who say "Enjoy your dinner." or "Enjoy your movie." are commanding you to do so in hopes that you won't complain to them?  Ordering someone around is much different than well wishes.  "I hope you enjoy your dinner".

-I heard someone refer to their date the other night as "my pet".  Creepy on so many levels.

-Just because there's a little bit of cereal and a little bit of milk left- less than I would want for a full portion later when I'm actually hungry, doesn't mean I should finish them off.  Next time, I'll remember.   Or look in the box, shrug my shoulders, and continue to pour out the coccoa pebbles.

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