Thursday, March 3, 2011

This was Easier Than Ordering Dinner Tonight

If I were manufacturing a teen pop sensation, I'd name her Zazzle.  She'd sing a song about school boys, and there'd be some vague, but catchy chorus....probably in some sort of non-ethnic slang that nobody uses.  Something like "Poppin' up my dates".  She'd need some sort of gimmick that we consider kind of unattractive, like wearing suspenders, or- a bowler hat.
Zazzle would be a great kid.  That's how she would rebel.  Rebelling against rebellion.
The rest of it would follow very easily- TV shows, concerts, movies, dolls...Zazzle would make me millions.
Oh, and her first album would be called "Zazzlesize" and there'd be a picture of her in 80s workout clothes with a bowler hat.

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