Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Lauren Makes a Phone Call

LAUREN: Hi hun.  How's your day doing?
LAUREN: Good!  I saw the Lakers made a big trade, you must be happy.
LAUREN: Oh the TV was on ESPN still when I turned it on.
LAUREN: So listen, we have to go to my parents' this weekend.
LAUREN: I know it's not your favorite place but they just redid the kitchen and they want everyone to come over and see it.
LAUREN: Well, yes they know about the attack.
LAUREN: No, I don't think there's a large chinchilla population in Glendora.
LAUREN: YES STEVEN I know a bite from a full grown chinchilla is enough to take off a man's fing-
LAUREN: No, I did not know it was strong enough to bite that off as well.  Though honestly, Steven I can't imagine a situation where a horde of chinchillas would be able to overpower you enough to where that could be even a remotely plausible scenario.
LAUREN: Wow they really did that?
LAUREN: Down in Columbia last night?
LAUREN: And it says here in the news the brood was spotted traversing up the Baja coast this afternoon...That is kind of scary.
LAUREN: OK, well maybe I'll call up Mom and explain the situation to her.  I know Mark will never listen to reason.  I wish she would have never married him.  Him and his stupid NASCAR.
LAUREN: No, you're right it's not his fault.  He's from Indiana.  Although I don't know why you stick up for him.
LAUREN: Alright, let me hang up the phone now.
LAUREN: I love you too.

Lauren never made that call to her parents, as shortly after she hung up the phone she was attacked and killed by a mob of chinchillas.  We never found out what made them attack that day, and I don't think we ever will.

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