Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Bug Guilt

Lord Fruqwan, King of the giant spiders speaks:

Quiet, QUIET!

Let the next meeting of the Society of the Order of the Circle of Monstrously Giant Crawling Bugs come to order.  My friends; it is time.  For too long, the humans have smushed our tiny brethren with tissues and old Anthropologie catalogs.  Well now I, say it is time for us to bring their worst fears to life.  The next time one of my spider brothers are smushed, that human better make sure they do not close their eyes.  For if they kill one of them shortly before taking a shower, or going to bed, or ANY other activity in which one closes their eyes, you can be certain I will slowly be crawling up behind them- for revenge!  If they thought the version of me that was 1/20 my size was scary, wait until they see me!  Questions?  Excellent.  Then let us finally have our revenge!

-This is what I picture happening to me whenever I kill a bug (particularly spider) right before getting in or while I'm in the shower or before going to bed.  The second I close my eyes, a giant whatever it was is coming to get me.

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