Sunday, December 19, 2010

You're Next Superman..."Fortress of Solitude"? Not Anymore!

Batman has really nice teeth.  You wouldn't think so, with the fighting and all, but he does.  So does the Joker.  They sure fight a lot.  I'm surprised both of them aren't missing teeth.  Maybe they had implants put in.  If they did, that wouldn't be a very interesting episode, movie, or comic.  Which is why I think they should do a radio broadcast.  They can also talk about what kind of food they eat, and where they get their clothes made.  I also would like to have the fact that no satellites have discovered where Batman flies his plane, boat, and car out of explained.  They probably attract a lot of attention.  A quick Google maps search of "batcave" proved to give no results, but it did direct me to a Toys backwards R Us in Joplin Missouri.

Also, apparently after further review, there IS a batcave.  It's in Henderson, North Carolina.

Of course!  Right next to the Old Cider Mill and Applesolutely gift shop!  Gotham.  Psssh.  Nice try Wayne, you sly dog.  Riddler, you can thank me later.

Seriously though, "Applesolutely"?  Is that supposed to be like absolutely?  Not close enough.

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