Friday, December 3, 2010

Awake-Man! Late-Night Guy! The Midnight Avenger!

It has recently come to my attention that I have a superpower.  I've had it for a long time, and it's not a very good one.  I have the ability to stay up very late without falling asleep.  This came in handy when I needed to write papers for school, and still does when I want to drive somewhere very late and avoid traffic.  It also helps for putting together a good fantasy football team, AND I have managed to waste my life on the internet in ways no mortal could ever dream.

Alas, the downsides are twofold*, as with great power comes great responsibility, although I'm not quite sure what being able to stay up late makes me responsible for- and I definitely have a weakness.  Aluminum.  Two weaknesses.  Besides aluminum, I am unable to wake up at a decent hour in the morning.  This isn't because I'm lazy, it's just that anything before 9:30am becomes a struggle, it doesn't matter how early I go to bed.  Weird, huh?

* I don't understand where folding comes into play.

1 comment:

  1. Apparently its the TV and computer monitors. All these studies are saying that focusing on the unnaturally bright light source, even in a dark room, prevents the sleep cycle kicking in inside your brain.

    Also, use a giant mallet.
