Monday, December 27, 2010

Valley Village Represent

I would like to propose a rule change.  People who say they are from "L.A." can only say that if they actually live in the city of Los Angeles.  Let's just cut out a step so I'm not asking, "Oh, which part?"  Instead you would say "Where are you from?"  "Santa Monica".  Same goes for you, people in Escondido that say they're from San Diego or people from Palo Alto who say they're from "The Bay Area".  I know, you're assuming people don't know exactly where that is, so you'd rather give a broad answer, but how do you think they're going to know where you live if you keep substituting your fine city for a larger area?

I like Cool Ranch Doritos. I don't know what they're doing to make that ranch so darn cool, but I would like to visit there and eat the Doritos right out of the ground.

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