Thursday, December 9, 2010

Christmas Wishes

I'm so excited for this Christmas season.  I've been a very good little boy this year, I haven't misbehaved once in Mrs. Hammershots class.  Adam threw his Chips Ahoy cookies at me, but I didn't do one thing back.  I didn't even tell Mrs. Hammershot.  I just went back to adding my maths together. 
And when I'm at home, I always help my sister, and my Mom, and my Dad who I all love very much.  I helped my Mom with the Gingerbread men, and Dad hanging the lights on the tree, and I even helped my big sister shop for a present for her friend Anne. 
I imagine tip-toing down the stairs on Christmas morning, the living room still fresh with the smell of the last bit of fire we had in the fireplace last night.  I'll run to my stocking once I get down to the carpet, because it doesn't make as much noise as our wooden stairs do, and I'll pull out a new Videogame, the one with Super Mario and Donkey Kong in it, and I'll look over at the tree and be so happy.  Because I'll know that my family all got the presents they wanted so very much to.  I'll dive into the area with my big present, because I'll know what's there.  A brand new bicycle and a new electronic keyboard.  I'll hold them as closely to me as I can until my parents get downstairs, and then I'll give them the biggest hugs that anyone could ever give anyone else.
At least that's what I imagine I would do if I lived in a country that celebrated Christmas and didn't have to spend the day making cheap imitation women's wallets.

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