Sunday, December 26, 2010

We Can Make the Song Way Catchier Too

"Happy birthday!"
A nice thing to wish someone.  It makes sense to wish a person a happy birthday.  However, I do sort of think we're going about this the wrong way.  At least for myself.  As far as I can tell, the best reason for wishing someone a happy birthday is, as the old Jerry Seinfeld bit goes "they've made another trip around the Sun, all you did was not die for twelve months!"  I agree.  So I would like to have anyone who should encounter me on my birthday say "Way to not die."  While largely out of our control, I think that's quite an accomplishment.  Rather than just wishing happiness upon me for one day, which really seems quite arbitrary, I'd rather be congratulated on all my hard work.  I looked both ways when I crossed the street, did NOT go hunting with my festive Christmas Rudolph antlers on, and refrained from drinking a bleach and comet cocktail.  I've also managed to enjoy many scenic views without a single slip, stumble, or plummet.  Not bad if you ask me.  Should you also prefer a "Way to not die!" over a "Happy birthday!", please let me know and I shall gladly accommodate you.  On a related note, I am not sure if feeding one a buttery, sugar filled cake is a good way to send them on another year's journey away from death.

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