Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The Idea of Thorsday Still Cracks me up

Maybe we should rename the days of the week.  They don't really make any sense as it is.  With "day" at the end of them, they should be days of something. Like Labor Day or New Year's Day.  But there's no such thing as a Wednes or a Tues, and I've certainly never figured out why it's a day of Mon.
So I propose the following changes, although I am highly receptive to input, this can be a collaborative effort.

Monday will now be Suckday.  For obvious reasons.

Tuesday will now be known as Worstday, because while Wednesday typically gets a bad rap, I find Tuesday as the hardest day to get through, it's the furthest from the weekend without being a Monday, and nothing ever happens on Tuesdays.  Except Tacos.  So Tacoday could also be a possibility here.

Wednesday will now be known as Middleday.  I refuse to call anything "Hump" except those good for nothing whales.

Thursday will now be known as Comedyday.  When I was growing up the Simpsons were on Thursdays, so was Seinfeld, and more recently the Office and 30 Rock.  What?  YOU watched too much TV!

Friday will now be known as Outday.  It's the best day to go out.  Also I guess if you wanted to admit you were gay this would be the new day to do it.

Saturday will now be known as Yourday, although Myday is also a possibility here.  That's the day you do your own stuff.

Sunday will now be known as Dreadday, since it's common to live the day with a feeling of dread from the impending work week ahead or Choreday or Footballday, I can't quite decide.  Maybe we can call it Dreadoreballday.  Because that makes more sense than Sunday.

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