Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Showered With Confusion

Normally, I use this blog as a means to attempt amusing my multiple fans out there*, but tonight, I have a serious matter to attend to.  Again, let me clarify.  Serious.  That's right, underline serious.

I was making my skin and hair smell nice today in a nice leisurely shower, one you take after a long day and a Subway sandwich.  The kind where you ponder life's twists and turns as the warmth of the cleanliness cocoon relaxes every muscle in your body, where you think about what more you can do right and where along the way you went wrong as each stream from the showerhead gently massages your body and soul.  I realized after a good five to ten minutes of ruminating on life and the human existence that it was probably time to get this show on the road, lest my skin become dried out and uncomfortable to live in.  So on to the first step of cleaning- the shampoo.  But wait!  Had I already used the shampoo?  My hair sort of feels clean...it smells kinda soapy, but that could just be from the soap that resides in the shower.

Usually, I leave nothing to chance and just wash my hair again anyway, this is a 50/50 shot of choosing.........wisely.**  When you're wrong and you've already washed your hair but somehow forgotten, it's terrible.  It's like rubbing butter on a bowl of spaghetti with your hands.  (ladies...I did not just compare my hair to spaghetti)  What I really want to know is, does this happen to anyone else out there?  Am I completely alone in this and have a minor mental deficiency?  Please, let me know.  Seriously, I'm curious.  Or showing signs of dementia. 

*The numbers being multiplied are 1, and 2


1 comment:

  1. I like to switch it up on my hair. Just the other day I shampooed it 4 times just to see what happened. (answer: nothing, really).

    I think its actually better to rinse it out, but not use shampoo, every other day if you're not using hair spray or some other crap. Try it.
