Wednesday, June 2, 2010


So tonight I had the pleasure of logging on to my computer, only to find 80% of my bookmarks or "favorites" had disappeared. That's right, they pulled a Houdini. Fortunately, this was a problem that multiple other users have had before me. Unfortunately, the solutions presented to me did not work. I find this happening frequently with computers, and it's quite frustrating. Not only because it's preventing me from doing a simple task, but mostly because there is no rhyme or reason whatsoever. If I ate a cheesecake every day for dinner and had a heart attack and diabetes years later, it would be tragic that my body broke, but not unexpected. If I never put water in my car, it would probably overheat, but I would know why. This doesn't happen with computers. This is like me waking up one morning and not having an arm or going downstairs to find that suddenly my car is in someone else's garage.

OK, it's not exactly like that since my computer itself didn't move to another location, but hopefully you get the idea, and are accepting of the fact that I was trying to present a more comical situation than a realistic one, and I'm very tired because my boss apparently likes to keep the thermostat for her office set on "nap" and I had a 3 hour meeting in there which took every ounce of willpower I posses to stay awake.

How will I solve this technical problem? I can't. The main reason is that I lack the technical knowledge. But a lesser, yet equally important problem is I cannot punch the internet. When my cell phone, car stereo, or even PC itself isn't working, an old bonk-slap-punch combo usually does the trick. Alas though, the internet is not tangible- and even if it were, I bet my punch would go right through it, due to its probable net-like properties.

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