Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Indifferent Birthday To You

Office birthdays:
Gotta go.

I really don't think anyone in my office cares that it's anyone else's birthday- I think birthday parties are fun- and everyone gathering in the break room forced to eat cake and make conversation for 20 minutes only to have to go back to your desk and sit with your sugar rush is not a party.

Any word besides party that you might want to associate with it would be incorrect as well: "celebration", "show of appreciation".  It's really more of an acknowledgment.  "We thought of you enough to remember the day you were born, and to prove this here is a dessert."

I wish I had the money to hire a clown- not so much to entertain me directly, but to entertain me by seeing the reactions of everyone else at an anonymous clown showing up for the mid-50s mid-level manager's low-excitement level party.

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