Tuesday, June 22, 2010

My Last Blog Post Ever.

Hello all.
Unfortunately, this is going to be my last blog.

Because I've thought of an idea that's going to make me rich and famous.  A comedy concept that is flat out brilliant.

You see, there will be this character, he will be male- and he will need to carry more things than he can put in his pockets, so he will purchase a European Carryall. 
The funny part IS- wait for it- that everyone ELSE will think he's carrying- wait for it again- a PURSE!!  His friends will make fun of him for carrying what they call a purse, but he will protest- "It's a CARRYALL!"- that's the part that's funny- and it gets even better!  WOMEN will make fun of him as well- emasculating him for carrying a purse, which is something that only women carry!!  Again this character will proclaim "It's a CARRYALL!" only this time he'll throw his arms up in exasperation!  Everyone in the audience will laugh because it is funny to see other people look stupid and men will feel more manly and therefore feel better about themselves while laughing at this foppish fool.
I know that this concept is 100% original and has never been done before, so those of you who are reading this, please do not steal my idea and go to Hollywood before I can.  Honestly, I shouldn't even be posting this on the internet, but I guess this way I can document that I had the idea before anyone else.

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