Thursday, June 17, 2010


Wooo!  What a day.  As a sports fan, there's nothing better than your favorite team beating the team you hate the most for a championship.  And that's what happened tonight when the LA Lakers beat the Boston Celtics.  I'm so pumped, that in grand Los Angeles sports fan tradition, I've already lit 6 cars on fire.
The MVP of the night might have been Ron Artest, who gave one of my favorite post game interviews, the reporter asked a question, which Ron completely ignored and then rattled off no less than 35 people he'd like to thank all without breathing.  He then proceeded to climb to the top of the Staples Center rafters and devour his socks.
It's amazing to be a Laker fan, the team having won 5 championships in the past 10 years.  I take much pride and feel great satisfaction for living closer to them than another team and by default having them be my favorite NBA franchise.
Thank you, thank you.

And I would like to thank my family, my old dog Cosmo, the Laker flags on my car, the pizza I had for dinner, myrightcouchcushionandeverybutterflywhaledinosaurandhedgehogthateverlived!!

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