Thursday, June 24, 2010


I was out at a fine Mexican restaurant today and had to use the restroom.  After resting, I decided to use the urinal.  While there, I noticed some stiffly written letters scrawled together to from what I'm assuming must have been some sort of note to the next weary traveler to go into the "los hombres" room:


I think people are fascinating- especially what they are thinking, so naturally, I was led to wonder what the person was thinking when they were in front of a urinal and became possessed to carve "Hoztess w/ da mostess" into the wall.  Were they telling us to tip our waitress extra?  Was this some sort of Hostess cupcake/other delicious dessert lover?  Did the "Z" mean anything?  Did they need to use "w/" and "da" instead of "with" and "the" because they were in danger and out of time?  Or was their stream coming to an end and they knew a couple words ahead of time?

Captivated by this nomad's message to his fellow man, I went back to my table of coworkers and regaled them with the archeological find I had made.
Apparently, there is never any sort of writing in women's restrooms, I was informed by my female coworkers.  At first, I thought how sad I was for them, that they would be deprived of extra reading material.  But then it made sense.   Women get to rest.  But if there is no newspaper or television around to entertain us males while using a urinal, what else is to be expected of us?  We can't just stand there!

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