Monday, June 21, 2010

Look- here's a picture of her from 7 years ago!

This is a public service announcement- and a warning.

Women are getting smarter, they're evolving.  No longer does a female tell you about her less than attractive friend by saying they're "spunky" or they have a "great personality".  Those are obvious giveways that they know we know by now.  They've even moved on from answering the question of her attractiveness by saying "I think she's attractive....".
No longer.  Now, no matter what, the girlfriend she has is "super cute".  We have no idea what we're getting anymore guys, "super cute" could mean anything from knockout to wildebeast. 
Just stop setting us up with people ladies, and even if you're not setting us up- it's ok to admit your friend isn't just as attractive as movie star X.
Or at the least do what us guys do and shrug your shoulders and play dumb.  Or be offended at even being asked the question of another women's attractiveness.  That's much better.

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