Tuesday, June 8, 2010


It sure is a shame when you go back to watch or read something that you loved as a kid and it's terrible.  This happens all too often.  The example I tend to point people towards is the Smurfs.  Apparently back in the early 80s describing a cherry pie as "Smurfalicious" and made with "tender smurf and care" made for riveting entertainment.  I never understood what Gargamel wanted out of those Smurfs either.  Did he want to eat them?  Or was he planning on capturing them for monetary gain?  Like as a traveling street show.  I would pay good (5 dollars) money to see the writer's room for that show...how could a bunch of adults sit together and think of this stuff?
"OK, so....the one smurf says something to the other smurf about smurfing around and.....they learn a lesson.  Oh, and Gargamel is Smurfed."  Come to think of it, why can't I get a job like that? 
I also assume, since the show took place in Medieval times, that Smurfs were wiped out right around then and never made into the 20th century.  Probably bubonic plague.

The impetus for writing this blog was Garfield.  I don't know what made me say it, but I used the phrase "Aarrrgh!" in my daily life, and it made me think about how terrible Garfield was.  He was a cat who ate too much, and was a jerk to his owner and fellow pet dog.  That was every single Garfield cartoon ever made.  And there has to be over 30 books by now. (a quick check of Amazon says there's 51)

I thank Garfield and the Smurfs for pleasuring my feeble child mind, but also point at them with scorn for insulting my powerful adult brain.

Even Cookie Monster devoured cookies to the Masterpiece Theatre theme music every once in a while.

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